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How to Build an Email Campaign Your Subscribers Can’t Ignore

You know you need to send regular emails to your subscribers to keep them engaged, but how do you create an email campaign that they actually want to open? The truth is, most people are flooded with emails these days and it’s easy for your messages to get lost in the mix or end up in the trash. But when you craft an email campaign that provides real value, your subscribers will be eager to hear from you. Here are some tips to build an email campaign your subscribers can’t ignore.

How to Build an Email Campaign Your Subscribers Can’t Ignore

Choose an Eye-Catching Subject Line

To get your subscribers to open and engage with your email, you need to hook them from the start with an irresistible subject line. Here are some ideas for creating one that is effective:

A benefit-focused subject line should be used. Concentrate on the main advantage or result that your email will produce. An illustration would be "5 Ways to Double Your Productivity This Week" or "The Secret to a Stress-Free Morning Routine."

Pose an intriguing query. Pose an intriguing question in your subject line, such as "What's the #1 Mistake You're Making on Social Media?" to pique readers' interest. A new skill can be learned in just 15 minutes a day. is another alternative.

Use numbers. Subject lines with numbers, stats or lists perform very well. Think of headlines like "7 Must-Have Apps for Entrepreneurs" or "23% of Your Email Subscribers Will Open This - Will You?

Keep it short. Aim for 6 to 10 words max. Short and sweet subject lines have the highest open rates.

Include the recipient's name. Personalized subject lines, especially those with the recipient's first name, can increase open rates by up to 50 percent. But only include the name if your list is under 50,000 subscribers.

Test different options. Once you have a few contenders, do an A/B test to determine which option resonates most with your audience. Even small tweaks can lead to big differences in open and click rates.

With some experimenting, you'll discover the secret formula for subject line success with your subscribers. And when you hit on a winner, you'll notice more opens, clicks and engagement right from the start.

Write a Compelling Preview Text

To get your subscribers excited to open your email, you need a compelling preview text. This is the short bit of text below the subject line that gives readers a taste of what’s inside. Here are some tips to craft a preview that packs a punch:

Aim for 3 to 5 concise, well-written words. You don't want to give everything away; you want to tease your audience! Declare that "the secret is out." A different phrase would be "You asked, we answered."

Use power words and phrases to grab attention like “exclusive,” “breaking news,” “act now,” or “don’t miss out.” But don’t overdo it, or you’ll seem spammy.

Pose a query to pique interest. Do you want to discover how our sales increased twofold? is one illustration.

Highlight a significant benefit or result. Take, for instance, "The 3 tools we used to gain 500 new customers" or "How did we reduce spending by $50,000 last quarter?"

To illustrate magnitude or importance, use statistics and numbers. In the phrase "The $1.2 million mistake we almost made." A better title may be "Lessons from analyzing over 10,000 customer service calls."

Keep your preview text consistent with your email content and brand voice. If your emails usually have a casual, friendly tone, your preview text should match. If you aim for a more professional image, keep the preview formal. The preview is the first thing subscribers see, so make a good first impression!

With a compelling preview text, your subscribers won’t be able to resist opening your email. Follow these tips and get ready for higher open and click-through rates!

Keep Your Content Concise

To keep your subscribers engaged, you need to get to the point. No one has time to read lengthy, rambling emails. Keep your content concise and scannable.

Keep paragraphs short

Aim for 3 to 4 sentences per paragraph. Short paragraphs are easier to read on mobile devices and make your email seem more concise. Use headings to break up sections and make it easy to navigate.

Use bulleted lists

When providing instructions or multiple related points, use bulleted lists. Readers can quickly scan a list of bullets. Keep each bullet point to 1 or 2 short sentences for easiest comprehension.

Highlight key terms

Use bold, italics or underlining to emphasize important terms, phrases or keywords that you want to draw attention to. But don’t overdo it, only highlight 2-3 terms per paragraph.

Keep subject lines brief

Your subject line is the first thing subscribers see and determines if they open your email. Keep subject lines under 50 characters so they are easy to read on any screen. Mention the key benefit or takeaway to pique interest.

Use visuals

Images, graphics, charts and other visuals help break up text and engage readers. But keep visuals minimal, around 1 for every 2-3 paragraphs. Make sure any visuals are optimized for email and load quickly. Alt text descriptions are a must for accessibility.

Keeping your content concise, scannable and visually interesting will make your emails impossible to ignore. Focus on brevity, highlight key terms and use formatting to make information easy to digest. With practice, you’ll be crafting irresistible emails in no time!

Include Images and Graphics

Images and graphics are essential for creating an email campaign that grabs attention. Studies show that visual content can increase engagement and click-through rates by up to 80 percent.

Include Eye-Catching Images

Use high-quality, high-resolution images that are relevant to your content or brand. Stock photo sites like Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay offer free images you can use. For the best results:

  • Choose images with a single, focused subject. Minimal distractions.

  • Use close-up shots of people with friendly, engaging expressions. Smiling faces resonate most with subscribers.

  • Select images that evoke emotion or tell a story. These create connections and stay memorable.

  • Keep text on images minimal. Overlaying too much text can make an image feel cluttered and hard to read.

Use Simple Graphics and Icons

Basic graphics like charts, graphs and icons are easy to understand and scan, providing an simple visual representation of data or key points. Some options to try:

  • Bar or pie charts to illustrate percentages, statistics or survey results.

  • Line graphs to show trends over time.

  • Icons like arrows, bullets, numbers or checkmarks to draw attention to important steps, facts or highlights.

  • Simple infographics with a minimal design to convey more complex ideas or relationships.

Format for Mobile-Friendliness

With more people accessing email on mobile devices, you need to optimize your images and graphics for small screens. Some tips:

  • Choose a simple, uncluttered layout with lots of negative space.

  • Use a single column layout. Multiple columns don’t translate well to mobile.

  • Size images and graphics to fit the width of a mobile screen. Around 500 to 600 pixels wide is a good target.

  • Include alt text descriptions for images. This helps visually impaired subscribers and improves SEO.

  • Test how your email campaign appears on different devices before sending. Make any needed tweaks to the formatting or layout.

Following these best practices for visual content will make your email campaign impossible to ignore and ensure high open and click-through rates, especially on mobile. Engaging your subscribers in this multi-sensory way is key to success.

FAQs: How to Build an Email Campaign Your Subscribers Can’t Ignore

Building an email campaign that subscribers open and engage with takes work. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you craft emails your subscribers can’t ignore.

What should my subject line be?

Make sure your subject line is intriguing, because subscribers will notice it first. a few choices:

  • A question: “Have you tried this yet?”

  • Gain: "Get 20% off your next order."

  • A cliffhanger: “You’ll never believe what just happened...”

Keep subject lines between 3 to 10 words for the best open rates. Test different subject lines to see which has the best performance.

How often should I send emails?

Don’t bombard your subscribers with constant emails or they may unsubscribe. A good rule of thumb is:

  • For promotional emails, 1-2 times per week at most.

  • For newsletters, 1-2 times per month.

  • For transactional emails like receipts or shipping updates, as needed.

See what frequency your subscribers respond to best. You can always survey them to find their preference.

What content should I include?

Focus on content your subscribers will find valuable like:

  • Relevant tips, advice or how-to’s.

  • Curated industry news and resources.

  • Behind-the-scenes info.

  • Exclusive offers, deals and discounts.

  • Visuals like photos, GIFs and videos to bring your content to life.

Keep your content scannable with short paragraphs, bullet points and images. A good balance of text and visuals will keep subscribers engaged.

What tools can I use?

Top email marketing tools include the following:

  • Mailchimp - Free plan for up to 2,000 subscribers, easy to use.

  • Constant Contact - Affordable for small businesses, with automation features.

  • Drip - For ecommerce, with robust segmentation and personalization options.

  • ConvertKit - For bloggers and content creators, with in-depth analytics.

Using a dedicated email marketing tool will make building, sending and optimizing your campaigns much easier. Many offer free trials so you can find the right one for your needs.

With the right subject lines, content, frequency and tools, you'll be crafting email campaigns your subscribers look forward to opening. If you have any other queries, please let me know!


So there you have it, the keys to crafting an email campaign your subscribers will love. Focus on value, personalization, and consistency. Provide useful content and resources, speak to your readers directly, and stick to a regular schedule.

Do that and you'll be well on your way to higher open and click rates, more engaged subscribers, and a successful email marketing strategy. What are you waiting for? Start planning your next campaign and get ready to connect with your audience in a whole new way. They'll thank you for it.
