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Explanation of Email Marketing step by Step 2023 - wordpress business

E-mail marketing or e-mail marketing is one of the best types of internet marketing in 2022, which is very effective and profitable for all owners of websites and electronic stores, so today I will give you an explanation of e-mail marketing.

Step by step, God willing, from building your mailing list to sending messages to followers and making a profit.

Explanation Email Marketing
Explanation Email Marketing.

What does email marketing mean?

E-mail marketing or e-mail marketing is one of the most popular direct e-commerce methods based mainly on sending e-mails to the customer with the aim of increasing sales to electronic stores or offering affiliate offers, especially Amazon Aflet or a folder that brings visitors to your site or blog.

The method is based on choosing one of the companies to create an email list and designing and promoting your form to convince the customer to subscribe to your list and start the promotion by sending an email.

Email marketing is the best promotional method that all online marketers choose Email marketing.

According to statistics, building a successful list is a treasure because the average return on investment (ROI) in an email marketing plan is 4300%! Do you believe this?

I mean, if you only invest $100 to create a targeted and successful mailing list, it will make you a huge profit of over $4300!

The best email marketing companies

There are many companies that offer professional email creation, design and sending services, some are free and others are paid (paid is definitely better) and here I present the best companies.

How to create your mailing list in detail?

Choosing a profitable niche

The best advice when using e-marketing via e-mail or e-mail marketing is to choose the right field first, because a profitable field must be chosen.

Let's say you work in the affiliate marketing field, so you need to build a mailing list for the product you want to promote.

It was targeted to attract customers only from the category of women who are interested in the field of clothing and accessories eg.

List creation and promotion.

About creating a mailing list, bro, I have made a complete video that provides a step-by-step method to write with the client and earn money.

In this explanation, we are guided by Mailchimp because I consider it to be very good, especially since it offers its service for beginners for free, especially if your list does not exceed 2000 subscribers.Email Marketers: What is the biggest mistake marketers make 2023.

Finally, I hope that the e-mail marketing description won your appreciation, and I want to show you that if you follow my advice in this article, you will get a big profit from this amazing field of electronic marketing.
